Rosalind Brenner and Pamela Kallimanis
Today we present poets Rosalind Brenner and Pamela Kallimanis recorded in October 2014 at Canios Books, Sag Harbor.
The poets read from their work and from the work of their teacher at Sara Lawrence College, the late Kurt Brown.
They were introduced by Canio’s Maryann Calendrille.
Ms. Brenner’s work includes:
All That’s Left: Poems and Paintings published by Art House Press and
Garden, a compendium of women’s voices from Finishing Line Press.
Pamela Kallimanis’ work includes Zero Elegies from Three Mile Harbor Press, East Hampton.
Pamela Kallimanis’ work includes Zero Elegies from Three Mile Harbor Press, East Hampton.
Coming up soon:
On the
weekend of June 12 to 14 The MOBY DICK Marathon returns.
1983, Canio Pavone started the yearly Marathon to celebrate Sag
Harbor’s seafaring history and its literary tradition.
readings will be at Canios Books, the Sag Harbor Whaling Museum,
Street Theater and other Sag Harbor venues.
members are invited to sign up to read a segment of Moby Dick.
East End Ink will be there to record much of the Marathon
information is available at Moby Dick Marathon